January, 12 2018, 7:30pm
Rudi Wünzer Halle, Wald-Michelbach, Germany
(Headline under orchestra photo) “For the third time, the Starkenburg Philharmonic played a New Year's Concert in Wald-Michelbach. This time, especially the conductor Robert Trocina, who developed after the break to a brilliant conductor fascinated”
“FOREST-MICHELBACH. What an exhilarating musical start into the new year. "Bella Italia". the Starkenburg Philharmonic had called their New Year's Concert in the Rudi-Wtinzer-Halle. What the 50-member ensemble had to offer under this title was an exciting journey into the land of pizza and pasta, which tore the spectators from their seats and ended with standing ovations and several encores. The great antiquarian had the guest conductor from Atlanta, Robert Trocina. He developed after the break to the brilliant entertainer, who also conducted the audience in addition to the orchestra. A real lucky feeling for this evening”
“With the two soloists, the Philharmonic had fished two more musical gems. Sarah Cossaboon and Antonio Rivera both had their own appearances, but did not go to high form until they performed the pieces in duet. Without wanting to narrow down the performance of the singer, the tenor was clearly dominant. How Rivera smashed "0 sole mio" or where "Danza Tarantella" offered true tongue acrobatics was already a lonely class and in a quality that would otherwise only be found in the. big opera house to see and hear. No wonder that Rivera received many cheers after his performances. Introductory words had as patron Biirgermeister Dr. Sascha Weber spoke.
He was very pleased about the well-staffed hall, that the Philharmoniker were visiting the Oberwald for the third time and giving their appearance a special splendor to the still short new year. Already at the opening act, the symphony from Donizetti's opera "Don Pasquale", the ensemble showed its great composition: with drum rolls and almost overblown songs, the piece had everything that is commonly associated musically with Italy.”
So that not only the ears on the Italian boots arrived, but also the eye, ran on the side wall a slideshow with the most beautiful motifs from the popular holiday country.
Pieces live on moderator Dagmar Weber also greeted the guests firstly in Italian, in order to translate the best wishes for the new year into German. Guest conductor Trocina, who, as the name suggests, has Italian roots, caused a sensation at the very first attempt. For with his sweeping, directing movements, he formally lived with the individual pieces and spent so much energy that at the end of the concert, they saw the drops of sweat running down his forehead.
Weber characterized the boot as a land of unfulfilled longing, where in the 1960s and 70s virtually every family vacation took place. Even today, Weber knew, Italy did not devote any of its magic. At "La danza delle ore", the dance of the hours, the orchestra began to play softly and then before it switched over and put on a tooth.The perfect interplay of the instruments resulted in the first applause after the end Soloists, first Rivera with "Che gelida manina" from Puccini's La Boheme, then in a duet with Cossaboon "0 soave fanciulla" showed how well the two vocal perfectionists are in harmony, how the tenor and the soprano got to know each other on the stage a big show. Weber broke up the breaks between the pieces with a variety of stories from Italian everyday life. Whether it was football, where the Italians lose in case of doubt against Germany, or the love of "La Mamma".
Rossini's "La danza Tarantella" showed that Antonio Rivera and Enrico Caruso can record it in three minutes and ten seconds in 1912. This performance was also achieved by the tenor in 2018 _bravouros - his soothing voice No - micro had needed, the enormous presence and the clear accentuated pronunciation let the guests break out before the break in cheers.
Listeners can join in the singing After the Barber of Seville, also of Rossini, again stole Rivera's hour, his "Nessun dorma", during which the hall was shaken in its foundations, really did not let anyone fall asleep The artist sang in the best-known opera houses, followed by Weber's crash course in Italian gestures, and the soprano's performance in a red dress, which made for a lot of flirtation in the auditorium.
It was as clear as KloBbriihe that the glittering "funiculi, funicula" would not be over at the end: everybody was allowed to sing along with the "Chianti wine" and support the soloists. The Radetzky March as crowning degree showed conductor Trocino fully in his element. He hardly stopped him on his pedestal, he bobbed in Stuck so hard that it almost carried him up. In addition to the ensemble and soloists, he also took his big share in the almost never-ending applause. If you say so, all good things come in threes, then the Starkenburg Philharmonic once again surpassed itself in this performance.

January, 12 2018, 7:30pm
Rudi Wünzer Halle, Wald-Michelbach, Germany
FOREST MICHELBACH : The musical debut for the New Year could not have been more successful. Starkenburg Philharmonic, the two soloists Sarah Cossaboon and Antonio Rivera abducted together with the American guest conductor Robert Trocina after "Bella Italia", that in the hearts of the visitors the sun rose for the southern joie de vivre. Only after several encores were the artists allowed to leave the stage of the Rudi-Wünzer-Halle.
Soprano Sarah Cossaboon and tenor Antonio Rivera both made their own appearances, but then performed to their fullest potential when performing pieces in duet. Without belittling the singer's performance, the tenor set the tone. How Rivera "O sole mio" smashed in the best Pavarotti style, was already lonely class. Cheers after his performances showed how he inspired the audience in the very well-staffed hall.
So that the eye on the Italian boots arrived, ran on the side wall a slide show with the most beautiful motifs from the most popular holiday country of the Germans. American conductor Robert Trocina, who, as the name implies, has Italian roots, caused a sensation at the very first try. For with his sweeping, directing movements, he formally lived with the music.
Moderator Dagmar Weber characterized the boot as a land of unfulfilled desires, where in the 1960s and 70s almost every family vacation. The hour of the soloists struck with Puccini's "La Bohème". Only Rivera solo with "Che gelida manina", then in a duet with Cossaboon "O soave fanciulla" showed how much the two harmonized. That he can record Rivera with Enrico Caruso, he then shows in Rossini's "La danza Tarantella". His well-tempered voice, the enormous stage presence and the clearly accented pronunciation made the guests break out in jubilation before the break.
After the Barber of Seville, also from Rossini, then beats again Riveras hour, his "Nessun dorma", in which the hall is shaken to its foundations, really does not let anyone fall asleep. Only the Vincerò from this piece proves that the artist sings rightly in the most famous opera houses. With the 50-member ensemble of the Philharmonic he had congenial partners at his side, which harmonized perfectly.
It was clear that the glittering "funiculi, funiculà" would not end sooner. Everyone was allowed to sing along with the "Chianti wine". The Radetzky March as the crowning glory showed conductor Trocino fully in his element. It hardly stopped him on his pedestal. The Starkenburg Philharmonic once again outdid themselves on the occasion of the third New Year's performance in Überwald.